No pull HEELING on leash
DVD step by step instructions
If your dog is a puppy, congratulations... You are on the right track!
Puppies are a blank canvas and when you first get your puppy YOU and the way you respond, move, sound and smell as well as your environment or your home, its sounds, its smells and everything within it, is your dogs school. This is where your dog will be 'trained' 24/7. You are the teacher and your world is the class room. Your puppy will be in class every time it wakes up and every move it makes it will be learning. Inputting information.
Each puppy is its 'genetics'
Your puppy is 'hardwired' to be a CANINE first. It is not a homo sapian or human. It is not a bird. It is not a fish. Each animal and species has MILLIONS of years of genetics that it runs off of. It is programed. It started as a dinasaur, then it went into a mammal, then a canine that hunts and eats its prey, there fore it has what we call 'Prey Drive'. Once it got into the hands of humans it became Canis Familiaris or a dog. And just like your puppy, humans began teaching their puppies just by bringing canis familiaris into their tribes.
Next humans bred their dogs, just as they bred their sheep, goats and other possessions. Humans thought that they could match the right dog to the right bitch and make better dogs, dogs that were the best at a particular job. Thus began the BREEDS.
I say this because the puppy you chose, has been designed for over 2-300 years to do exactly what that breed is suppose to do. If you chose a mutt, then you have chosen a puppy that we do not really know how it is hard driven. We do know that it is still a canine or dog so we do have something to go on. The reason to choose a 'breed' of dog is so that you know how a dog will respond or act in any particular situation because folks wrote this stuff down. Therefore, your first KNOWLEDGABLE thing to do, is to choose the right pup that would be the easiest for you to train if you have never had a dog before.
So which breeds would you be able to handle?
You are a human and you are a dreamer. You want wonderful beautiful things in your life. You want to show them off and you want to be proud of them. Furniture, cars, clothes and even yourself. There is nothing wrong with being a human being. Since you have ended up here, on this page, you certainly have followed your heart in wanting a dire wolf or American Alsatian as they are beautiful and you have done your research! You are ahead of your class... Believe it or not MANY folks do not research dogs in general. Well, by that matter they do not even research their first car, haha.. do they? Or did you?
Folks are getting smarter and with the internet they have learned to look things up! That is fantastic and amazing and I for one am THRILLED that more people are learning more stuff than they ever have before!
You should have made a list of at least 10 dog breeds that you think might hold a puppy for you. Since I have over 50 years of experience in dogs and breeds, I can help you, if you pay attention. This is my job in life and I love what I do, so listen up and you shall grow...
First time dog owners:
If you are a first time dog owner, you should choose a dog that when it is full grown, you can pick up. So you calculate how much weight you can pick up at the age you will be when your dog is fully grown.
Well, I know you are now upset at me, but let me tell you why this is important. It is your first dog. You have no clue what you are getting yourself into and just like in anything else, it sure helps if you have the very basic first time experience. Reading from books doesn't tell you how to paint, you have to actually pick up the tools and put the paint brush to the canvas. If you just go out and buy all the things you need for rock climbing and then drive to any mountain and start to climb, I would call you a fool. Of course you have to research and it is BEST to try it out on small objects first. I didn't go out and buy a giant canvas and slap the paint on it and make a Rembrandt. If you REALLY do not want a small dog, then go to the pound and volunteer to train and help out. Let me warn you though, as in anything, keep an open mind! You can read a hundred books on training and each one is different. Add that to the many different breeds of dogs and you are still lost. No you are not as lost as someone that has done absolutely nothing to learn about dogs, you are right there. But the more experience you have with the multitude of dogs, the more EDUCATED in that field you become.
A LOT of first time dog owners come to me and want to buy a puppy because of what they have read about the temperament and character of my dogs. They are not wrong, my dogs are pretty easy to train and a great choice, but I still run into folks that have no common sense. Sorry... but they are out there and chances are they are going to make a mess of a very large dog as the dire wolf is not only scary looking but they are LARGE with big head and big teeth.
We are the only breeders I know of that will FREELY help you as much as we can, but we still need to make sure that we are allowing our pups to have a great (fantastic) home. See we love our puppies and we do want you to love them also, so this is the reason we are very concerned that you have some kind of knowledge and if you dont, that you will follow directions and learn as you go in a group of other Am Alsatian owners that we have joined together in a face group 'closed' club... That group of OWNERS is encouraged to help the new puppy owners by showing them photos and posting how they have trained their dogs.
We have allowed first time owners to purchase a puppy but it is our discretion as we do not want you to end up with the wrong dog for you.
This is what you need to look for if you are a first time dog/puppy owner:
- smallish. (A breed you can pick up, but no toys, they are too small and fragile)
- laid back.
- no diggers
- no jumpers
- no barkers
You do NOT want:
- A working breed (They need a job)
- A herding breed (They are hyper and run around and some nip)
- A large guard dog (They are too much for you. They are too powerful. You might get sued or put in jail, who knows)
- A herd protection dog (They might bite someone and you could go to jail)
- A dog that needs a lot of grooming (not for your first dog please)
- A very small dog (you will make them mean or you will loose them or step on them...)
Here is a list of easy to own dog breeds: (I suggest *)
- American Bulldog (least amount of wrinkles and no smushed face)
- American Cocker Spaniel (shortest hair possible as it will need to be groomed)
- Basset hound (might bite as they get older they don't like to be bothered)
- Beagle (barks and howls)*
- Bernese mountain dog (small)
- Norwegian Elkhound
- Border Terrier (barks a bit and may dig some. Some can be temperamental)
- Boston Terrier (no smushed face) *
- Boxer (small. They are very hyper and friendly but a large one will be way too much for you)
- Boykin Spaniel (shortest coat)*
- Bull Terrier (friendliest pup in the litter and check out the parents. If you can not see or touch the parents don't get the pup)*
- Eskimo dog (if you can handle the grooming)*
- Elk hound (smallest)
- Corgi's (both kinds are fine)**
- King Charles spaniel (no smushed face and shortest hair ) groom *
- Cumberland Spaniel (any spaniel except the large ones)***
- Dalmatian's (might be too large for a first timer. large dogs WILL pull you down the road.)
- Dandie Dunmont (shortest coat) *
- English Cocker Spaniel (needs grooming) ***
- English Toy Terrier (largest one possible) *
- Field Spaniel (short coat) *
- Finnish Spitz
- French Bulldog *
- Basset Griffon
- Greater swiss mountain dog (smallest with largest bones if you can find one)
- Grey Hound (smallest)
- Jack Russel Terrier (barky look for friendly mom and dads)*
- Lhaso Apso (shortest hair possible)*
- Manchester Terrier *
- Mini Am Shepherd
- Mini Bull Terrier *
- Mini Schnauzer (not too fond of kids)
- Norfolk Terrier
- Norwich Terrier
- Old English Bulldog (small) *
- Papillon (largest shortest hair)
- Pekingese (might be too small for you and doesnt like kids much. They like quiet easy homes. Do bite when older)
- Pembroke welsh Corgi ***
- Poodle (grooming) ***
- Rat Terrier (largest) *
- Rough collie (smallest from laid back lines. Do not choose any hyper ones)
- Shih Tzu (shortest hair possible) grooming *******
- Skye Terrier
- Smooth Collie (smallest) **
- Sussex spaniel (shortest hair poss) ***
- Manchester Terrier (15-20 lbs) *
- West Highland White Terrier (talks/barks some) *
What you are looking for is a dog about 12-25 lbs (maybe 30 lbs) that is easy to clean and or brush, that will not pull you down the street or trip you or your kids. I want you to be able to lift the dog and to have CONTROL over your dog. Your property, Your court room suit. Remember you are learning on this, your first dog.
If you have children, be sure to let your kids go to the breeders home. If the breeder will not let you see the mom and dad of the puppies, leave. There is a reason for that. If you have UNRULY KIDS.. you waited too long to get a dog. lol.... It is almost impossible for you to have a puppy and to train it if your kids are out of control. You just do not have what it takes. If you want to change that, then step up to the plate and get your first puppy or dog. I will tell you that you can NOT train a puppy and have kids. Your children are your number ONE concern and if your kids are not listening to you, you need lots of help. They are your number one priority.

To walk puppies on a leash, sit down on the ground and teach the puppy not to jump up on you by picking him up off his four feet and firmly setting him down in your lap as you say "Stop!!!" in a mean voice. (DO NOT LET GO! DO NOT DROP!) If he starts to bite you, grab him by the back of the neck or around his neck with 2 hands then lower him until his back feet touch the ground. Do not let go. Tell him to stop messing around. As soon as he stops (correct behavior) praise him by bringing him into your chest. Pet him, love him and hold him into your chest. Cover his face if he needs that. Hold him in your lap for 10 minutes giving him treats and rewards if he is still and quiet. Do not reward him for trying to lick your face, push him away. He doesnt get any rewards for jumping. Four feet on the ground please (or in your lap).
The sound you make has meaning to a young pup. Vibrations go out into space and pups pick them up in through their ears. Your firm handling and setting him down in your lap, tells him that you mean what you say. Be sure you have a leash on your pup. Not just any leash, a 20 foot leash. Your pup should be able to run or investigate anything he wants and when he gets to the end of the leash, he will find it uncomfortable and may fight the leash. Go pick him up and bring him back to you. sit down and allow him to do it as many times as he wants, until he understands that HE makes the leash tight, not you.
Your leash training should be free from any objects or distractions. Sit on a blanket and get comfortable you will be there for about 10 minutes. I use the trunk of a tree to brace my back on. I let my puppy explore and when he gets too far away, i call him to me. If I call a puppy, they must come, so I use chicken pieces that I have in a zip lock bag. If my puppy is too hungry he will bite my fingers, so I must put the piece of chicken on the floor (or my lap) and show it to my puppy. We will calm him down as he learns at his pace. We can also use kibbles if he is too hungry. We want him to associate coming to us with good things. Never call a pup to you if you will scold him. Not at this young age. If you are going to scold him, you go to him. Reel him in and/or pick him up.
What you are trying to teach the pup is to 'remain calm'. You want him to understand the difference between hyper activity and being calm. You want him to know how you want him to act at all times, calm. You should be able to pick him up, set him down, hold his feet, grab his behind and set him in any place you want. He gets rewarded for being calm. If you Pick him up off all four feet so he can not touch anything and he will squirm and cry and try to bite you. As soon as he stops, bring him into your chest and hug him. If he starts up again, push him away from you and let him struggle for a few seconds, then bring him back into your chest and when he is calm reward him.. Your voice must be a sweet tone when praising and a harsh tone when disciplining.
What does this have to do with leash training? You are teaching your dog 'behavior'. What you expect of him, right from puppy hood. You want to teach him to ACCEPT your hands and the leash and the collar and anything else you might want to do with him. You want complete submission and you use rewards to get that and repetition to make the pup understand what it is you are asking of him. This goes with any living thing on earth. Putting a saddle blanket on a pony. Adding a distraction into an animals environment. Any time you want to teach someone or something, you have to BALANCE reward and discipline and you MUST reward more than you dish out discipline. Those are the rules of the universe.
What we are doing with this pup, is we are teaching the pup to understand that we, YOU are his 'safety'...........Any time that pup is near you, you will save him. He will get rewarded. He will be happy near you. This will help in off leash training, heeling, placement and the fastest recall you have ever seen!
Now I am going to give you a gem... listen up. The BEST reward ever, in the entire world, for any one or any animal is FOOD...
I get 100.00 per hour and that is your reward... use it or not. Makes no difference to me. What I will say, is that you should listen to anyone that has as many hours, days and time into a subject as I have. Period.

That is the basic of the no pull leash training! That is it... If you can get your dog to know and understand that he should stay beside you, then you have conquered the heeling on a leash. The deal is to communicate it now. That leash is an extension of your arm and you ONLY jerk that leash when you want to get attention from the dog that is not paying attention to you. YOU MUST HAVE DOG ATTENTION so get it.
What gets dog attention? FOOD. (I told you the secret now figure it out).
Come here.............. Food or NO FOOD...
oh, you don't want to do it that way, lol... I need to write a book titled "your a wienie"
You think that will make your dog only look for food? Do you have over 50 years training animals? oh, but you read in a book, la te dah te dah...
Buy my "Handbook for New Puppy Owners" as I am not getting paid to educate you in this web site. You either learn and listen or you go try it out for about a year, 2 years or 20 years? How about 50 years until you get tired of doing it the hard way.
Hugs... to you my friends, it's ok... Stop being so sensitive... Life is to short, get over it. <3