Schwarz Vulpes Fox Project's "Cricket"

Cricket out of Shiba x Corgi
This is a litter of pups out of our F-1 or first generation Corgi x Shiba Inu mix that we named Cricket. Cricket (F-1 BM10007) was born on 4-25-23. She has a Red Brother by the name of BamBam. Cricket is a tri color of black tan and some white spotting. Since she is a great mom and had a lot of milk we will be keeping her for one more breeding with a different stud. She gives us the long bodies we need to move on to the next generation.
Cricket was bred with AKC Eski (an American Eskimo) on April 2024 and whelped 6 pups June 30th 2024.
Her Puppies names are: Andy; Axel; Archer; Angel; Amore; Anna; (6)